A.M.O.R. Therapy

When translated from Portuguese A.M.O.R. holds the intention of :
‘Welcoming with Mercy, Guidance and Reaction’


A.M.O.R. is aimed towards healing Anguish, Anxiety, Depression and Sadness. It is also for those whose spiritual work takes them to a higher place and they have difficulty coming back to ordinary life.

A.M.O.R. therapy works towards treating dissociative disorders, psychosomatic and mental illnesses along with other slight variations of these disorders, achieving a balance of emotions and feelings. It also works as a healing remedy in the prevention of suicidal thoughts.

This therapy consists of a spiritual surgery initially developed by myself, Dr. Fritz, from similar modalities that have since evolved. It took many years of research which required strenuous efforts from many spiritual teams to get to where we are today. I feel ‘ Pai Joaquim ’ should take the greatest merit in the achievement of this light that we have ignited together in the lives of so many people without hope.

Today we, the spiritual doctors, together with several other branches of spiritual forces, in the name of
God, will illuminate the path that you must go through.
Only with FAITH, HOPE and HUMILITY can we learn to love ourselves and thus love our neighbour.

Before Treatment

  • Bring a 1.5 or 2 litre bottle of water with you to be infused with healing energy specifically for you during treatment. Put your initials or some other identifier on the bottle.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing.

For the treatment

  •  RelaxWait in the waiting room and when your number is called, take your bottle of water with you.
  • Helpers will direct you to a plinth and assist you onto it if you wish.
  • Prepare clothing by lifting your shirt or blouse to expose only your abdomen. With this treatment, you will receive a small plaster on your abdomen.
  • Relax. Relax. Relax.

After Treatment

  • Abstain from eating beef, lamb, pork, and game meat for 24 hours. (Chicken and Fish are OK)
  • Rest for the next 5 days; do no extra physical activity in order to allow the body to absorb the healing.
  • Abstain from drinking alcohol or smoking anything – cigarette/vaping etc. – for 7 days. Alcohol and smoking destroy the healing energy.
  • Drink 50-70 mls of the infused water 3 times a day, for 7 days. This water may change in taste, smell or colour; this is because in it will be placed a specific spiritual medicine for your problem.
  • Do not remove the plaster; allow it to drop off your skin naturally. (Some people who removed the plaster have experienced discomfort.)
  • Continue all of your medical treatments and attend all medical appointments as usual.

Spiritual Visits -

Over the following two weeks on the Tuesday and Thursday nights, the spirit doctors will visit you
wherever you are. When you are at full rest or asleep, the A.M.O.R. Therapy will be continued through a treatment.

Preparation for the visit:

  • Before and after the A.M.O.R. night time visits, abstain from beef, pork, lamb and game meat from midday on the Tuesday to midday on the Wednesday, and from midday on the Thursday to midday on the Friday. (Chicken and Fish are OK) The proteins in these meats take a lot of energy to digest in the lower intestine tract; this reduces the amount of energy available for the healing.
  • Before you settle down, place a glass with 30 ml of surgical spirits or clear alcohol nearby.
  • If it is still within seven days of your A.M.O.R. Therapy, keep your bottle of infused water with the healing energy beside you.
  • The doctors will visit you when you are totally rested or asleep.

After the visit:

  • It is vital that you throw the surgical spirits or clear alcohol down the sink when you wake up. This is very important.
  • If you have water in your bottle, drink a little when you wake up.

Medical Disclaimer…
A.M.O.R. therapy treatment is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or
treatment. Consult your healthcare provider for personalized medical advice. Always seek the advice of a
physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition or
addiction. Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of
something you have seen on this leaflet or if you feel unwell.

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© 2023 Spirit Doctors


Your suffering has a solution.
You have come to me and now I and my team will take care of you and any of your physical, emotional,
energetic and spiritual weaknesses that may be causing your suffering, fuelling your pain.
For God and the workers of Jesus, all is well and I am here ...
You are no longer alone.